Plan Your Visit
Planning Your Visit to Grace Baptist Church

We welcome you to come visit any of our regular services! To learn more about our church and what you can expect when you come, please see the information below.
9:30am / Sunday School
10:30am / Morning Worship
12:00pm / Fellowship Meal
1:30pm / Afternoon Worship
7:00pm / Prayer Service
What are Your Sunday School classes like?
Sunday school classes afford an opportunity for systematic study through books or teachings of the Bible. Classes are divided according to age to allow for age-appropriate instruction and activities. Sunday school tends be more informal than other Sunday services and allows time for participants to ask questions or make comments where appropriate.
What are Sunday morning services like?
During Sunday morning services, our pastor generally preaches verse by verse through books of the Bible. Services also include prayer time, traditional hymns, and Scripture reading. We also observe the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday morning of each month.
What are Sunday evening services like?
Sunday evening services are very similar to our morning services and feature expository preaching, prayer time, traditional hymns, and Scripture reading. Occasionally, we will have a special event during the Sunday evening service, such as a testimonial time or a Bible Q&A with our pastor.
How should I dress?
Dress at our church generally ranges from business casual to “Sunday best.” We believe it is important to dress appropriately as we worship the living God.
Where should I park and enter the building?
You may enter the church using the glass double doors in the front of the building. If you have challenges with mobility or need special accommodations, feel free to use one of the reserved parking spaces near the main entrance. As you enter the building, a friendly greeter will welcome you and show you where to go.
What opportunities are available for my children?
We offer age-graded Sunday school classes for school-aged children. During Sunday and Wednesday services, we offer a nursery for children three years of age and under. However, children of any age are always welcome to sit in the worship service!
What other ministries are available?
Our pastor has a special burden to train men as faithful lay leaders in the church. Therefore, once a month, we have a men’s prayer breakfast. We occasionally host other special events. Please contact our pastor for more information.
What is your music like?
We use traditional hymns that are distinct from the style of music you commonly hear in popular culture. Although we use some “special music” (instrumental or vocal solos, for example), most of our music is designed to be sung by the whole congregation. Everyone in our services is encouraged to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord” (Psalm 100:1).
What is your preaching like?
Our pastor normally delivers expository sermons that go verse by verse through books of the Bible. Our preaching is centered on the message of Christ crucified and is geared toward practical application in each life.
Which version of the Bible do you use?
We use the King James Version in all our preaching and teaching.
What denomination are you affiliated with?
We are an autonomous, independent Baptist congregation and are not controlled by a denominational hierarchy. We do, however, participate in a fellowship of likeminded churches known as the AIBCI (Association of Independent Baptist Churches of Illinois).
What are your church’s beliefs?
For a detailed listing of our church’s beliefs, please see our statement of faith. Please contact our pastor if you have specific questions.
I am interested in church membership. What should I do?
If you are interested in joining the church, you may contact our pastor. He will arrange a time to meet with you and discuss our church’s constitution and statement of faith.